The History of Turquoise Village
"The business of Turquoise Village created by the late Greg Hofmann is more than just a 'brick and mortar' establishment. Left behind after his untimely passing was at its heart a foundation of people with very fond memories of him and his family. The unmeasurable quality of Greg Hofmann is something that helped build the Turquoise Village legacy, that is embodied by the Hofmann family and the Turquoise Village staff."
Chris Dodson
Chris Dodson grew up in the Pueblo of Zuni, and his family has been in the Pueblo since 1897. Chris, along with his wife and children, look forward to continuing the great legacy left by Greg Hofmann in serving the artists, customers and suppliers of Turquoise Village.
For more information about Turquoise Village history and the Greg Hofmann legacy read Turquoise Village's early history.