Zuni Fossilized Ivory & Red Coral Fetish Necklace by Debra Gasper
Zuni carver Debra Gasper specializes in intricate and well- executed Fetish carvings. She works with a range of stones including Black Marble, Turquoise, Picasso Marble and Fluorite. Gasper often collaborates with her husband Ray Tsethlikai, and together they are known for free-standing fetishes and fetish necklaces made in her family's tradition of old-style fetish carving. While they have retained traditional forms, they have experimented with a wide range of new materials and often use silver dot inlay on their fetishes. Gasper heralds from the prolific Weahkee family, who are among the oldest carving families in Zuni. In fact, their origins predate history and the earliest recorded Weahkee carver was Teddy Weahkee who worked with noted Zuni dealer C.G. Wallace.
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